Another Boring White Web Site Multidisciplinary Artist’s
Ossiuri is a human parasitic disease and one of the most common parasitic worm infection in the developed world
The chief symptom is itching in the anal area The chief symptom is itching in the anal area
In Italy, where i was born, they call this infection Vermi dei bambini (children’s worms) In Italy, where i was born, they call this infection Vermi dei bambini (children’s worms)
I was affected by Ossiuri at the age of 40 and this fact confirmed to me that, in some way, I was still a child. I was
affected by Ossiuri at the age of 40 and this fact confirmed to me that, in some way, I was still a child.
Scratching my ass gave me hope for the future. Scratching my ass gave me hope for the future.
Ossiuri was born with the intention of finding a solution for some of life’s simple problems: Ossiuri was born with the intention of finding a solution for some of life’s simple problems:
to arrive at a certain age and still be unable to define my work to arrive at a certain age and still be unable to define my work
to arrive at a certain age and still want a child’s playroom to arrive at a certain age and still want a child’s playroom
So this is what I do and this is my playroom. So this is what I do and this is my playroom.
In this game room there is no particular order. Everything is mixed. never made new games and broken old games. In this game room there is no particular order. Everything is mixed.
never made new games and broken old games.
Sometimes pieces of old games mix with new ones and it seems that everything makes sense. Sometimes pieces of old games mix with new ones and it seems that everything makes sense.
They are good moments, rare, but mostly, honestly, only disorder reigns here. They are good moments, rare, but mostly, honestly, only disorder reigns here.
I'm not kidding, scroll down and get yourself an idea I'm not kidding, scroll down and get yourself an idea
And after if you want play with me just contact me : iacobox@gmail.com
* in case you haven't understood it yet, everything here is translated with the google online translator *in case you haven't understood it yet, everything here is translated with the google online translator
Not all i write in this web site is true but it seems to me that these words sound very good. Not all i write in this web site is true but it seems to me that these words sound very good.